Our Story

The Rocky Mountain Synthesizer Meet has been hosting events since 2012 and was originally called the Boulder Synthesizer Meetup.

Each event features a different topic on synthesizer tech, technique, and artistry using a broad variety of hardware and software to create, produce and perform. Events often feature live performances by community members. These events are open to synthesizer enthusiasts of all levels and are a wonderful place to learn, get inspired, share your art, and meet new people and collaborators.

Our first event was held in July of 2012 in the basement of the Old Louisville Inn (now called 740 Front Street) just outside of Boulder, Colorado, USA.
The community continues to grow and is made up of synth enthusiasts from beginners to experts who share their passion for synths.
We’ve hosted over 110 free events since 2012. It’s a wonderful community allowing people to network, learn and get inspired, go full geek mode with gear, tell people about projects, and find collaborators.
We usually meet once a month rotating through a broad variety of topics and experiences for each event. Most presentations are given by members themselves with occasional special artists and industry guests.
As time went on, we started attracting 100s of member along the front range and started having events at various locations in Boulder, Denver, and Longmont. We changed the name to The Rocky Mountain Synthesizer Meet.
We moved into bigger venues and started featuring live performances by members.
In 2015 we hosted the official Ableton Live 9.5 Push 2 release party. It was our largest event with over 110 people.
Along the way we won Best Music Meetup from Westword Magazine.
In early 2020, prior to the pandemic, we began designing an online experience that would allow us to stay connected online as a community when we couldn’t find a room or for snow days. Since March 2020, we’ve hosted over 38 online events.
Starting in 2020, we also began hosting occasional livestreaming events and concerts publicly onYouTube. You can see replays of these events and some our concerts under the “Media” menu.

Here is a replay of our last event. Make sure you Subscribe to our channel. Watch this video over on YouTube to see the Live Chat replay as well.

In February of 2021 we launched our invitation only Discord server. After you come to an online event and we get to know you a little, we’ll share an invite.

Join Us

We’d love to have you as part of our synth community. Get started by joining our mailing list so you can get notified of upcoming events and news.

We respect your privacy and won’t share your information. You can opt out at any time.


A huge thanks to the 100s of members who have joined the community, given talks, performed, and donated their time and expertise to running events. A special thanks to Victoria who designed our logo and made numerous event posters.


While events are free there is overhead associated with running our events. We are member supported.

If you have enjoyed yourself, been inspired, or made a connection at one of our events, consider a donation.